VIew & Edit in the Data Migration Module allows you to modify or delete existing data in bulk. You must have the appropriate View / Edit / Delete Project Permissions to the data you wish to Edit or Delete.
If you have imported historical data and have saved the import and wish to correct some data in the import you can do so within the saved import and then re-import using "Update".
In all other circumstances editing is done from within the "View and Edit" menu, which is described below.
All ESdat data tables are listed in a drop-down from which the user can select.
Data can be filtered by Site or Project and further filtering can be done on any column.
Double click a cell to update the values by typing or pasting copied data. A context menu for editing is available by right clicking on any cell.
You can Copy Down over multiple rows if you first select the cells, then right click and select "Copy Down". The value in the first cell will be copied down to the other selected cells.
Greyed out columns are either unique keys or system generated data which cannot be edited. All other (white) fields can be modified by either typing your value, using the drop-down lists, or filling down. There is no Save button and changes are committed immediately.
There is an option under View & Edit to export data to Excel, which can be edited offline and then uploaded using the Import functionality. If using this approach you should import using the "Update" option to update existing data.
To delete data right click on the row header. You will require Delete permissions for the Project.