Locations represent a monitoring point at a Site where data is collected.
Specifying Locations for your Samples is necessary if you want to:
Locations can be added and edited in various places in the Application including:
Locations have the associated details shown below.
Most of the details are self-explanatory, for others the details are given below.
Co-ordinate System | will accept either Lat/Long or a different system specified for the Site |
Location Type | is a configurable Drop-Down and can be used to differentiate Surface Water, Groundwater and Borehole locations. |
Purpose | is a configurable Drop-Down and can be used to identify the reason for monitoring this location (eg Upgradient, Downgradient, Background, Discharge). |
Asset Code | can be used to enter an identifier for the location used in an asset management system. |
Location Code | is a code that uniquely identifies a Location within a site. The next value can be automatically generated using the Site Prefix (if applicable), Monitoring Zone Prefix (if applicable) and Location Type (eg. BH01, BH02 etc..). |
Alternative Name | is another name used to identify this location, potentially in the past or in common usage. |
Wells | One or more Wells (ie piezometers) can be associated with a location, and details such as TOC, Screen Interval and Base depths entered. The default Well ID is a - and should only be changed if you have nested wells with multiple screened intervals. |
When Locations are first created they are not Accepted. Project and Site Managers will receive a Notification that a new Location has been created, and can review and Accept or Reject it. Accepted Locations can't be edited, unless you are a Project or Site Manager.
A Location is Accepted or Rejected by reviewing the Location Details and clicking the Accept or Reject button while viewing the details. They can also be accepted in bulk in Import / Update / Export or the DMM.
If a new location replicates one already in the system it can be rejected and the data reassigned to the existing location. When a Location is Rejected its associated data must be reallocated to another location.